Posterior capsule opacification
ü Secondary cataract
n Long-term complication of modern cataract surgery
ü Age dependent (low incidence in older patient)
ü Treatment
Nd: YAG laser capsulotomy
n create a central opening in posterior capsule)
n Complication : damage to IOLs, cystoids macular edema, IOP increased, iris hemorrhage, corneal edema, localized endophthalmitis
n Silicon > PMMA
n Cost burden to health care system
ü PCO preventive options (Figure 2)
Mechanisms of PCO development (Figure 3)
ü Residual lens epithelial cells (LECs)
ü Wound healing response induced
ü Clinical morphological types
n Fibrosis-type
n Pearl-type
ü Molecular mechanism are not completely clear
n Cytokines & growth factors
TGF-β, FGF-2, IL-1, IL-6,
Hepatocyte growth factors, epithelial growth factors
Prevention of PCO
ü Common complication
47.3~100% in children
high incidence, quicker onset, greater amblyogenic effect
ü Surgical techniques
n Vaccuming or polishing
May delay the onset, but the long-term benefit is limited.
ßàAdditional surgery time, trauma risk
n Hydrodissection
Effective, practical, and inexpensive
ßà Nuclear dislocation into the vitreous. No practical in hypermature?
n Sealed capsule irrigation device
Foldable suction ring, 2 separate lines (one for vacuum, one for irrigation, sent pharmacological agent without damage surrounding tissues)
àinexpensive, not add significant time
n Capsulorrhexis with anterior vitrectomy
n Others: capsulorrhexis size, in-the-bag fixation
ü IOL materials and designs
n Uveal biocompatibility / Capsular biocompatibility
n Material
Silicone / Arylic (rigid: PMMA / foldable: hydrophobic, hydrophilic material)
Hydrophilic acrylic may support LECs
n IOL designs
May provided mechanical barrier effect
Surface modification (polyethylene glycol, gas plasma )
Sharp edge
ü Therapeutic agents
n Direct injection into the anterior chamber, irrigation solution
ßà toxicity to surrounding tissue
(phenol formaldehyde resins, methotrexate, mitomycin, flurouracil….)
n Gene therapy
Inducing therapeutic apoptosis by over expression of proapototic genes
n Proteasome inhibitor